Tuesday, June 2, 2015

To Try or Not to Try?

K has smoked cigarettes for 15 years. Z has a BMI of 44.6 (it had at one point been 66). K wants to try again. And Z is scared and trying to put it off. So Z makes a deal. If K quits smoking and walks five minutes a day Z will Work out everyday and when she has the first cycle, If we are mentally and emotionally ready, we try again. Well, to Z's surprise, K quit!!! Z has also lost 4 lbs. We're getting our bodies and our habits and environment healthier.

My Missed Miscarriage Expiriance

I was on prometrium for my pregnancy because when they tested me my progesterone levels were low. My last dose was a Tuesday morning.
Throughout the past week, when I had brown blood it had specks of I'm not sure what in with it. I don't know what it was and I don't know if i want to know. I know every story is different and all pain tolerance are different.

2:30 pm Friday: Slight increase on cramping, feels like menstrual cramps now (I have heavy cramps with light bleeding)
7:20 pm Friday: a gush of blood.
7:43 pm Friday: blood is done. Cramping has subsided. I decide to get off the toiled.
Everything ceases for the night, no cramps, only brown blood when I wipe, I still wear a menstrual pad.
11:53 am Saturday: back pain is kicking in. Getting surges of cramps.
3:47 pm Saturday, blood has turned from brown to red (yes it was brown blood all the way until now)
4:33 pm Saturday: Cramps are increasing. I have to focus on breathing through them. I could probably talk through them but I'm home alone and I feel weird talking to myself.
7:18 pm Saturday: Some darker blood, not tissue but it looks like maybe mucus but dark red and thick.
8:55 pm Saturday: Second wave of blood no tissues or clots. No change in cramps, still surging.
4:00 am Sunday: Woke up with intense cramps probably an 7 or 8 out of ten seeing as I KNOW they could be a LOT worse. Red blood when I wipe
11:00 am Sunday: Run errands, feel bloated, uterus feels full. It is intense.
1:50 pm Sunday: Had to focus to breathe through the cramps. They get stronger. Pass ONE small clot. The size of a strainer hole, but it does not go through.
9:00 pm: going to bed. I'm so exhausted
6:15 am: I'm so freaking ready for this to be over with. I get a step stool, set up the bathroom complete with strainer and essentially squat*
6:35 am-11:43 am: blood clots start falling out. Bleeding has increased. My god. SO much blood. I had to move to the bath tub since my butt started falling numb
Noon: Cramps have slowed down an stop. I thought I passed them. Blood seems to be a light period so I resume my day.
10 pm: I try to sleep but the cramps/contractions are getting worse. I think I have an infection or something is going to happen. Going to call doctor in morning.
6:25 am: I think i"m dying. No joke. It started feeling like pooping cramps but it's hurting so much. The cramps are constant and will not seize.
7:00 I feel a rush of blood. I run 8 feet to my bathroom to jump in tub but I'm covered in blood. I plop in the tub again.
7:15 am. I throw up water ( i hadn't have a chance to eat or drink yet) I call the hospital as I'm on the bathroom floor covered in blood. Doctor schedules a d&c for 6 hours.
8:14 am I think I'm pooping, it feels like a poop, I stand up and I thought my uterus fell out. (turns out that was labor and giving birth to a baby)

12:00 I go in for my d&c. I still have a lot of clots and they don't want it to turn toxic.


I had an excessive amount of blood because I was on prometrium. It was to build up the lining of my uterus.