Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Take 2!!!

We found out Z is pregnant again. She's due on 4/9/16!!! She threw up while getting LM ready for summer school. She waited until K came home to tell and they went to the doctor to confirm. Will post throughout. Only about 3-4 weeks. SO it's pretty impressive with how it came up so fast. Twins? The ultrasound last week did show two follicles about to release. So far no symptoms other than that ONE vomit session. It's almost like baby was saying, "hey I'm here."

Friday, July 10, 2015

First Cycle after MMC/D&C

June 28, 2015. 4 weeks and 5 days after the D&C, I had gotten a "period". It was more painful than I remember but I suppose it should have been. I decided to do another round of Clomid. I think  the next round (if i can get myself to do it) will be my last attempt before we cease all attempts for the year, due to marital issues. As I write this it's been almost 7 weeks, I've made some friends that understand loss. I will never be the same. I cry almost everyday still, but I feel trying again while I have th chance will hlp me look forward. We buried our baby under a rose bush and I take obsessive care of it. We got the gender revealed from the Harmony Test results and we named her. K and Z have decided to get a matching tattoo in the same spot with a rose and Baby's name. We're excited.